haddonstuff  -  where underachievement is a badge of honour

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The basics. The rules are there are no rules.
So long live the rules. And stop counting syllables.

Illustrations by kind permission of Eri Takase, http://www.takase.com/
Stuff stuffed in this section

In a nutshell -
history and weblinks
The basics
- some key pointers about style
Haiku gallery -
classic and contemporary with musical accompaniment

Click on the stuff subject and watch it appear below as if by magic
the 'haiku moment'

When the emotion/ snapshot instilled in the haiku by its writer crosses over to the reader. Haiku don't tell us how to feel, they guide us towards that feeling.

It is the
revelation that
is significance"

M Huggins



00252_1.jpg (45512 bytes)


An evening orchid, 
Hidden in its scent,
The flower's whiteness


Move on to more about haiku...




the 'haiku' moment 


The Rules?
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