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The haiku gallery.
 Some haiku to peruse. Soothing music too. This stuff may get run into a slideshow at some stage, but for now I'm keeping it simple :)

Music: 'Natsu-sae-chirashi'  by Inada-no-Umahijiri
Stuff stuffed in this section

In a nutshell -
history and weblinks
The basics
- some key pointers about style
Haiku gallery -
classic and contemporary with musical accompaniment

Click on the stuff subject and watch it appear below as if by magic


Another year is gone;
and I still wear
straw hat and straw sandal.



O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!


again and again
I ask how high
the snow is


Jane Reichold
Recycling old glass
the rocky beach
  High tide
the secret script
of driftwood scraps
  Wrinkling up
along the shore line
an old ocean

small window
and a bird too fast
to name

Sabine Miller

  the birch
a new bridge
over the brook

Udo Wenzel

  first day of spring—
the slightly sour smell
of my blanket

Karma Tenzing Wangchuk


chill in the air
as the moon sweeps by -
 - an owl
snow covers
the last leaf

before sunrise
the moon sets

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